Madison, WI – On the latest episode of the Electric Wire podcast, we take a closer look at the investor-owned utility model with Jeff Keebler, Chairman, President, and CEO of Madison Gas and Electric. Jeff shares more insights on how investor-owned utilities work, how they’re regulated, and the new technologies changing the power dynamics in the industry.
According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) electric power sector survey data, almost 3,000 electric distribution companies—or utilities—are operating in the United States. EIA classifies utilities into three ownership types: investor-owned utilities, publicly run utilities such as municipal utilities, and cooperatives.
This episode features investor-owned utilities, or IOUs, which are large electric distributors that issue stock owned by shareholders. Almost three-quarters of utility customers get their electricity from these companies. Upcoming episodes will discuss municipal utilities and electric cooperatives.
Note: MGE is a member of the Customers First! Coalition, which produces the Electric Wire podcast.
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Links and additional reading:
Energy Information Administration (EIA):
Madison Gas and Electric
Wisconsin Utilities Association
Edison Electric Institute
American Gas Association
Public Service Commission of Wisconsin
Public Service Commission of Wisconsin: Electric Service Territory Maps
Wisconsin Legislative Council: Overview of Wisconsin’s Public Utility Regulatory System
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